Monday, November 17, 2008

the first snow....

...was last friday :) I drove in it and I wasn't even that scared. I laughed the whole time brushing it off my car, there was just so much of it. I put Charlie in the snow, he wasn't a fan...I thought he might like the cold since he does this sometimes :

I went skiing last weekend, second weekend in a row! I was even more scared this time, but after I got warmed up again I was ok. Zach said I went pretty fast down the mountain! And I only fell a few times....the other times didn't count because I kept getting taken out by runaway snowboarders! They bent my pole...I don't even understand how.

This Sunday I had two shifts of helping with children. I've never been so tired after something. First service I had 15 kindergarteners all by myself, one was crying, another one kept slapping the pastors kid, and I was supposed to be teaching them about being thankful....did not work. I looked around at all the other leaders with their groups of six took all my energy just to get them to stop drawing on each other. During the second service I was helping with the 3-4 year much easier, there were also fifteen of them, but 4 leaders helping! And all we had to do was show them a video, do a craft, and feed them a snack. And they just want to sit in your lap the whole time...I had three children in my lap, one in the middle, and one on each leg haha, it kind of hurt, but they were just so cute. I also had a very smart 4 1/2 year old, she was so funny, she told me a story about a girl who died because she ate too much gum....I think she was confused. The video we showed them was pretty weird, it was like blues clues for sunday school, but instead of blue they had this creepy letter K, I haven't figured out why it's a K yet.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things....

Autumn leaves :)

Tazo passion tea, it's like hot pink pez in a cup

Pushing daisies, one of the best shows ever, I want to wear all of Chuck's clothes

tubes of oil paint that haven't been squeezed, it's like perfect potential

on a similar note, brand new crayons :)

This boy!

mountain towns in the winter time

Victorias secret's lip gloss

Kinder eggs! I could really use a Kinder kinder uberraschung right now

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