Friday, February 20, 2009

A post about nothing really

I went to Ross yesterday looking for random things, at a fraction of the retail price:) ...I found one adorable skirt, size small, I went to try it on, zipped it up and it fell down...damn women's sizes. I wandered around for a while thinking of things that I need that might be cheaper there. Cookie sheets! I've been making cookies in a pizza pan, with holes in the bottom.
Now I knew that I needed a cookie sheet, but alas, I didn't think I needed to "stock up and save!" Does anyone ever need to stock up on cookie sheets? I would like to meet those people...I bet they smell like vanilla and chocolate and nutmeg. Also, the stock up and save price was more than it would be to buy them individually.

"What else?" (I talk to myself when I'm in a store...never mind, that's a lie, I don't talk to myself, I talk to the merchandise, way less crazy) Bed sheets! I was going to buy some anyway!

So I find a really pretty set, with a high thread count, for only $12, great! And I always kind of wanted sheets that looked like these:

So I make my purchase and leave the store, excited about new bedding :)

I take another look at the sheets before getting in my car, and to my surprise, notice some embroidery all along the bottom that I had somehow missed before:

And I think "can I have playboy sheets?" .... "No. No I really can't"

So they got returned, and I got regular sheets, and giant giant sunglasses! :) they are turquoise and zebra striped!
The End.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I like playing with Scrapblog

This is the weirdo who lives with me, he refuses to sit like a cat.

Kool-Aid Win

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's weekend

Zach and I went to Glenwood Springs last weekend for Valentine's day, it seems to be becoming a tradition :) This time we adventured to the hot springs. It was definitely weird to be swimming and have snow falling on your head. The hot spring pools were huge, much bigger than I expected, and there were a lot of them, and they were somehow different temperatures. The place was very crowded and there were all sorts of people there, excellent people watching opportunity. I think the staff might have been around the sulfur too long though, based on this conversation:

Zach: Where are the lockers?
Employee: With the other lockers.
Zach: And where is that?
Employee: They're coin operated and they cost 50 cents.
Zach: ok and where are they?
Employee: Oh, they're in the locker room.
Zach: ....and that is?
Employee: Around the corner to the left.

After the hot springs we wondered around the town, ate ice cream while sitting on saddles, found the cutest bookstore ever, ate sushi at what would be Emilee's favorite place if she had been there, they had sushi and flamingos everywhere :) And found lots of other things that just made me laugh:

A book about identifying feces, for kids!

"A clean tie attracts the soup of the day"?

found on a very sketchy looking Mexican restaurant

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

1969's prediction of the internet in 1999

I so wanted this to be longer, and have comments by the MST3K guys :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Overheard at Sunday School

Five year old Ethan to a friends mother: "this week? can we do it this week??"
Mom: " I don't know Ethan, I have to talk to your mom"
Ethan: "what about Wednesday? can it be Wednesday?!"
Mom: "maybe Ethan, maybe Wednesday"
Ethan nudging his friend Oliver and raising one eyebrow: "I have a play date on Wednesday"

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I've decided to make a new blog that is specifically art related. So for updates on what I'm working on please visit aka The Paint Stained Apartment :) Hopefully I'll be diligent and be able to keep it up to date.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When did Disney start getting in to dairy foods?

This would totally work on me as a child though, I always always wanted that Donald Duck orange juice.

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