Now I knew that I needed a cookie sheet, but alas, I didn't think I needed to "stock up and save!" Does anyone ever need to stock up on cookie sheets? I would like to meet those people...I bet they smell like vanilla and chocolate and nutmeg. Also, the stock up and save price was more than it would be to buy them individually.
"What else?" (I talk to myself when I'm in a store...never mind, that's a lie, I don't talk to myself, I talk to the merchandise, way less crazy) Bed sheets! I was going to buy some anyway!
So I find a really pretty set, with a high thread count, for only $12, great! And I always kind of wanted sheets that looked like these:

So I make my purchase and leave the store, excited about new bedding :)
I take another look at the sheets before getting in my car, and to my surprise, notice some embroidery all along the bottom that I had somehow missed before:

And I think "can I have playboy sheets?" .... "No. No I really can't"
So they got returned, and I got regular sheets, and giant giant sunglasses! :) they are turquoise and zebra striped!
The End.