Thursday, March 19, 2009
My favorite part is when "you can take it on the bus" and then they cut to a different scene as he gets stuck in the door.
I also enjoy this video mocking the first one:
Melissa and I watched this video last night, it raised so many questions, like "what kind of guy spends this much time writing a song about his cat?" But seeing as I too own a mean kitty I related to it.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Softly, deftly, music shall surround you . . .

Last night Zach and I saw The Phantom of the Opera, and I can now cross off "orchestra seating" on my list of things to do before I die. We were in row A, so close that we could feel the fire when it was used. It was great to be able to see the actors faces so clearly, and to see the ornate detail in all the costumes. I found myself wanting to scoot back, so I could see the whole layout of the stage, and I didn't realize that when you sit very close a lot of the acting seems hysterical...especially kissing, because it has to be huge for everyone to see it, but when you're close it's just awkward looking. I enjoyed curtain call very much, Meg Giry was my favorite, she had tears in her eyes while taking her bow, which makes me think that she enjoys her job as much as I think she should, she also makes me want to prance around like a ballerina.
our seats, 2 rows back
After watching the movie version I was afraid that the show would be just as mind numbingly boring, but it was not. I wasn't bored at any part of show, I giggled a lot when the phantom kept throwing fire, he's like an irritating magician who kills people. I couldn't wait for the chandelier to fall :) symbol monkeys are ALWAYS creepy, and I finally understood the whole "hand at the level of your eye" thing (so he can't lasso you, ooohh!). One thing I still don't understand though is this order of events: opera ghost murders actor, drops chandelier, act break, masquerade?? what happened during the act break that makes them think "yes, this is a good time for a creepy party" and not "this is a good time to catch the murderer"? I guess it doesn't have to make sense, like the random scene in Singing in the Rain which I still can't figure out, or the creepy cat heaven in Thomasina!
As for the actors, our phantom was incredible, Raoul was equally good (and looked like Christian Bale), Christine was a little shrill for my taste, but not bad, and she actually seemed like a real person, she didn't wander around with her mouth open the whole time. Overall entertainment rating: 4 3/4 stars.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
and the winner is...

I also had the same struggle every time I ran out of bareMinerals foundation, but since I have to use it on my whole face I was reluctant to try something else. I finally broke down though after reading some good reviews online about Ulta Mineral Powder Foundation, which costs $11 less than bareMinerals, is often on sale, AND has coupons. The result? I think the Ulta one works better AND lasts longer without getting shiny and awkward. I also found some Ulta mineral eye shadows on clearance...WAY better bareMineral shadows, they don't crease and they last all day.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009