Tuesday, May 19, 2009

why I like the market

Emilee and I used to have fun going to Vons together, we knew which checkout people to avoid at all costs, and ones that were only a little creepy because they told emilee her earrings made her face "shine like the sun"? I think that's what it was. It was extra fun when the power went out, because markets are weird without lights. And we always had fun looking at what other people would buy, like the guy with the GIANT baguette and the teeny tiny pepper balanced on top of it, or the guy buying lots of condoms, deodorant, and a HUGE chocolate bar, or was it a lollipop? for his girlfriend standing behind him. Well at King Soopers they have self checkout, so I have no one to avoid, and no one really to stand behind and be entertained by their purchases. I do however always end up with other people's receipts that they have left behind, usually I don't read them, but I was really glad I glanced at this one before throwing it away:

6 things of laxatives and a candy bar, hmmm.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A good wife

I was reading my friend from high schools blog the other day, her and her husband are probably the cutest couple ever. I just found her one post very encouraging seeing as I'm getting married soon, and I think being a good and Godly wife takes more effort and determination than people tell you, I'm a little nervous about it, I don't want to lose focus, so I guess I'm posting this to share it with you, and also as a bookmark for me :)

"During down time this morning I was able to spend time with the Lord, working on my memory verse (Hebrews 13:4-7), and thinking through how I can serve Jake and be a pratical encouragement to him as he is finishing school, working, etc. If I am not specifically looking for ways to love, serve, and encourage him (With My Words and Actions)- then it won't happen. My sinful heart and human nature left to itself does nothing but tear down. I am thankful that Christ has rescued me from the bondage of this; that in the very kindness that draws me to God I can emulate this to my husband.Proverbs 31 was where I went. In my immaturity I used to kind of cringe when it came to "the Excellent Wife", and "women's retreats", and "tea time"; thinking I knew all what it entailed and that it was all a waste of time. Oh, but I didn't realize what a joy it is to be a woman- to serve the Lord in the realm and role designed by Him for me- for His glory, and my good. And Submission, ladies, is awesome. It's like a free tangible protector that wants to honor the Lord in his care for you. And you don't have to be married to honor the Lord in this, or even have this. Christ is our model and Father who lovingly cares for us. Bosses, church leaders, etc. They are all opportunities to walk humbly and in doing so emulate the Gospel to those put in leadership over you. So cool! Your marital status is not an indicator as to how effective you can be for Christ. Wherever you are, single, married, single mother, widowed- you can pour your life out for the Gospel. Philippians 2:4-7 is a great encouragement in this as Christ carried no "rights" as to how much He would serve. He bled through His pores to save us from the wrath of God, and ultimately ourselves.
"Reading Proverbs 31 is a great challenge. Here are some qualities of her taken from the Hebrew words mentioned in my Proverbs notes from a class:
-She is of noble character (and is treasured as fine jewels) (v.10)
-is absolutely trustworthy (v. 11)
-she is an asset, not a liability in her support and encouragement (v.12)
-she is domestic (v.13)
-traveling all over like a merchant for goods for her household (v.14)
-even though she has servants, she rises early to care for them; preparing food for even her hand maids (v.15). she is selfless and caring for everyone in her path!
-her husband trusts her completely with money. She even has her own earnings (v. 16, 18, 24)
-she is eager, and exercises (v. 17)
-she is resourceful and plans ahead (her oil lamps were always filled) (v. 18)
-she has trained herself well in domestic things (v. 19)
-She is wise, generous, selfless, and sacrifical- requiring a caring heart (v. 20)
-her family has no need to fear of cold- she has prepared their clothing (v. 21) "
I am just really challenged by this. Being in God's Word today and thinking through it was such a time of refreshment. I don't know who is reading this... but make time for God and His Word today. It honors Him, and is a practical way to relinquish control, to fight sin, and to know Him more. There is no greater joy!And Jake, I love being your wife. I pray that I can honor you with my life, and even be an encouragement to you as you see (more than anyone) what I do with my time. "

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