Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bei mir bist du schön, please let me explain...

...Bei mir bist du schön means you're grand

I miss swing dancing.

No, let me clarify, I miss Santa Barbara swing dancing. Where I recognize most of the people there, and knew which ones were the most fun to dance with, and which ones to avoid at all tiny squatting man, or creepy "I'm going to tell you that you're fat" man. I even miss dances with old man alex, who everyone else thought was cool, but just really hurt my arm every time.

I miss those really amazing dances, when you think "nothing can be more fun than this is right now". I miss "once a year dave" and fake greg, even chrismukkah bar mitzvahkah, and emilee's dances with " John". I miss really strange compliments like:

random dancer to me while dancing: "you dance like a mercedes"
me: "umm, thank you?"
random dancer: "ya, you know most girls dance like pickup trucks"
me: (thinking) "does he say this to all the girls?"

I miss coming home and my feet hurting so bad, but being so satisfied with the night. But most of all I miss actually knowing how to dance! Dancing in Denver is like trying to speak another language.....or knowing the language but not being allowed to use's just awkward.

So I need to learn the Lindy Hop, it's just that apparently I'm dancing impaired and having 8 counts instead of 6 is just more than I can handle :) But I did a lot of research today and found this comforting sentence:

"In practice on the social dance floor, the six count steps of the East Coast Swing are often mixed with the eight count steps of Lindy Hop and Charleston."

and that's why I wasn't all the way lost last time!

I just need a devoted awesome partner (like a Zachary) or a friend to go with me... like a faux Emilee :(

Because in a way dancing is my way of getting out my performance urge, and without it I might just explode. And going to carrillo rec center was like walking in to another time period, men asking the women to dance, and practicing dancing etiquette, and the band....if we had dance cards it would be perfect. And way better than club dancing....which isn't even dancing so much as standing in place and shifting your weight...and then creepy guys want to rub up against thank you.

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