Friday, April 24, 2009

We have a house!

Our offer went through and now we have a house! And even though I don't get to move in till October I'm super excited to brainstorm updates for our 50's/70's style house

You can consider these photo's the "before" pictures:

My favorite part is the wood walls and the orange carpet...why was that ever a good idea? Luckily there are hardwood floors underneath the carpet :)

I like that the kitchen has blue cabinets, and a double oven, and the oldest dishwasher I've ever seen :) Zach hates it though, so we'll probably make it better at some point

I found this little plaque underneath the kitchen sink:

So I googled it, apparently Youngstown Kitchens was a hip thing back in the 1950's...but they made steel cabinets, and ours are wood, maybe just the sink is by Youngstown Kitchen. Either way I still think it's super charming, it makes me want to put on a dress and pearls and cook dinner. And I know Zach will want to rip everything to make it better....but I kind of want to make it look like this one!:

Even though that's probably not possible :)
I really enjoyed all the old ads I found for Youngstown Kitchens, like this one:

the illustration seems to be saying "get out mom! we don't need you because our kitchen's super fancy" or "get out mom! you don't know how to use kitchen appliances, go churn some butter"
The bottom corner is teaching you how to use the garbage disposal :)


Stickfigure Darcy said...

I'm so excited for your house!! I'm also excited for the after pictures. Please leave the cabinets blue and just fix everything up around it with black and white. Also, now you can live like those shorts from MST3K. You can get an electric dress!!

Kara said...

wood paneling!!!!!! but the kitchen - that should be restored to it's orginal glory! sounds like you and zach have lots of work ahead of you - hooray for home ownership!

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