Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Yesterday was terrible... terrible because it sucks when the auto shop WAY overcharges you for simple repairs. I chose this shop because I had heard really good things about them... guess who's getting a low star review when I get my car back. grrr.

So to make myself feel better I went home and gave myself a pedicure... and almost got all the primer paint off my feet. Warning: Gripper primer does exactly what it says, it's almost impossible to get off. Unfortunately I didn't realize that before I got it all over myself...Zach was painting in his dress socks, so he didn't have this problem. But now our living room looks spectacular :) "Swiss Coffee" is so much better than "Wood Panel"

My favor boxes came in the mail. But without instructions, so I sat there folding it a hundred different ways before it finally made a box. I think I like how they turned out though!

Thanks to the best tape ever that I found! http://www.organize.com/home-chic-home-damask-packing-tape.html

Charlie was VERY happy that I was playing with boxes and ribbon, this is pretty much how he looked all night.

ps: Quotes for today:

"I love bad Mormons" - Kara

"I don't know how anyone couldn't like you Shana, you're so down to earth, even more than the Mormons" - Brittany (age 10)


Stickfigure Darcy said...

I love absolutely everything about this post and, therefore, you.

Kara said...

Your boxes are adorable! How often do you come across bad mormons? All the more reasons to love them when you do!

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