Monday, May 17, 2010

I want to ride my bicycle...

So Zach and I finally got bicycles, we've wanted them since last summer. And since Zach loves to match :) he found this adorable pair on sale in Ventura. They look boring in the picture, but they're so cute up close. The boy one has blue accents and the girl one has pink, and they have adorable retro writing on the sides.



We rode them to Zach's work yesterday, to see how long it would take. I think it was less than 15 minutes. It's SO much more fun to ride than my $79 childhood bike, I want to go ride it right now! but it's still pouring rain :(

Monday, May 10, 2010

Whatever Sarah

I don't have normal allergies. You'll never see me with hay fever, or itchy eyes, or avoiding nuts or fish. I am however allergic to Neosporin. Well since I'm no longer a 5 year old scraping my knees or breaking fishbowls this usually isn't a problem.

But since November (yes 6 months ago) I've had a cut on my nose. It won't heal! Something is wrong with my skin!

So I saw a Neosporin commercial the other day, the one with two boys and a girl and they all peel off their bandaids and still have cuts, except Sarah's is "all betterl" after three days.

So I thought "well hey if it will heal this cut in three days then it's totally worth the rash that I'll get! At least that's not bleeding!"
Wrong. Now I have a cut AND an awkward looking rash. Lesson learned, stay away from Neosporin. And just for anyone wondering, Polysporin does the same thing.

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