Monday, May 10, 2010

Whatever Sarah

I don't have normal allergies. You'll never see me with hay fever, or itchy eyes, or avoiding nuts or fish. I am however allergic to Neosporin. Well since I'm no longer a 5 year old scraping my knees or breaking fishbowls this usually isn't a problem.

But since November (yes 6 months ago) I've had a cut on my nose. It won't heal! Something is wrong with my skin!

So I saw a Neosporin commercial the other day, the one with two boys and a girl and they all peel off their bandaids and still have cuts, except Sarah's is "all betterl" after three days.

So I thought "well hey if it will heal this cut in three days then it's totally worth the rash that I'll get! At least that's not bleeding!"
Wrong. Now I have a cut AND an awkward looking rash. Lesson learned, stay away from Neosporin. And just for anyone wondering, Polysporin does the same thing.

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