Friday, October 10, 2008

now we can swim any day in November...

So Zach has been in California for the last couple weeks which means I have a lot of time for other things like painting, and redecorating my living room. Melissa and I went to the Celestial Seasonings factory in Boulder last weekend, and came away with lots of tea:) We weren't allowed to take pictures in the factory, but we decided not to follow that rule, we now have all of the secrets to the factory. We've opted out of making our own tea at home though, I don't think anyone could handle the smell. Our tour guide acted like peppermint was a type of drug....she was kind of creepy. There were also several people in our tour group who I thought were men, but turned out to be women....I wonder if it's a boulder thing.


Apparently Charlie likes friends too

This is Charlie telling me he wants to go outside

I decided that if I started painting fruit I would get to do everything I wanted to: use lots of color and paint in basic shapes. These photos are not a good representation....because I'm too lazy to move the paintings into good lighting and my camera hates me....a scanner would be so useful....

hmmm, and my other images aren't loading

oh well this one was my favorite anyway.

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