Thursday, September 11, 2008

California weekend!

I wish it would have been longer, like two weeks, then I would have had time to do everything I wanted to! There were too many things to eat in just 3 days (Emilee, we left out the habit and/or in n' out!)

On Friday we went out to breakfast, to the beach, we saw a seal, the water was warm (I'm not even kidding), we got milkshakes, emilee got ridiculously sunburned, we went out to dinner with lots of friends and ate "the good pasta", and then played pictionary dictionary (which is not overrated - especially when Todd tries to draw someone wetting their pants - that's one for the book!). Das es die perfekte tag! (except that there was no amazing race)

On Saturday we went to get free things from the aerie store, loaded up the car with yummy snack, like cheez-its and blenders (how gross does cheez-its look without the dash, cheezits?)

and drove down to Fullerton, or Anaheim, I don't really know where we ended up. Met up with Becca, Fanny, and Allie at our super sweet hotel, and then headed to the wedding...where we had a blast. Weddings are more fun when you have four dates!

On Sunday my sister picked me up and we got to hang out for a few hours. We got ridiculous ice cream....I forget what the place was called, but you could add all the different kinds of toppings you wanted...oh man, it was like an candy explosion in every bite. Then we went to Cheesecake Factory, since I had never been....I think I was too full from the ice cream to really enjoy it though. Mom wasn't there, so we ate dessert before dinner....we're not ready to be grownups.

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