Friday, April 3, 2009


We left for Hawaii very early Friday morning, good thing too, otherwise we wouldn't have made it to the San Francisco airport in time to wait for 7 hours, AND we would have missed the incredibly angry mob...people are dumb...especially when they are confused and stop's how not to get airline employees to help you:

1. get really angry
2. get really impatient
3. assume they're going to leave without you while you're standing there
4. scream profanities and insults
5. follow the lead of the guy screaming profanities and insults

Zach is not dumb, he outsmarted the whole mob, and thanks to him and Perry Parker we reprinted our boarding passes for the next (practically empty) flight and got to sit next to each other (something the travel agent thought wasn't necessary) and we didn't have to wait with the angry mob.

We encountered the most entertaining/annoying group of girls (and one token guy) on the beach one day. They screamed and cursed at everything....which is weird...because nothing was that interesting. But I guess when you're 15 and see a sailboat you're reaction has to be: "what the f*** is that! we are so f*#&@ doing that tomorrow!!" "let's go surfing tomorrow" "no! f*#&%$ shut up Becca! we're f*$&## sailing tomorrow!". In the next segment of our new favorite reality show Becca and Kelly were angry with Molly because Molly didn't want to go to the beach with them, which is like so f***ing lame, she doesn't even care about sports! who cares about her grandma! "I'm going to write her dad a letter and be like, you're daughter is a b***h! whatever if you're in the navy you're daughter needs like psychological help!" ....We felt really bad for Molly, she needs new friends. Luckily high school will be over soon and she can go off to college, and I would say there's a 99% chance no school would accept the others.

We tried surfing. But with short little boards, and in very crowded water. Zach still did great, although his skin suffered for it.

Christine's wedding was fun, and she looked beautiful of course :)

I took Zach to the Waikiki aquarium, which I think he liked a little bit :) he even got a souvenir (that almost never happens), now there are two snow globes in the collection.

We left for Kauai, my favorite island! It was so nice to get out of Waikiki. And chickens were running around with their chicks! and they bumped us up to an ocean front condo for no apparent reason :) Since we had a kitchen and were tired of eating out we went to the market, and then Zach made me dinner which we ate on the giant balcony. AND THEN HE PROPOSED! :)

and I was shocked! I didn't see it coming at all! He said he was going to wait till we were on a hike by a waterfall but he couldn't wait any longer :) And then we smiled for hours till our faces hurt.

The next day we went Scuba diving, Zach's first time, he did great, and wasn't even scared at all (I was even a little nervous, the visibility wasn't good). Our dive instructor was awesome and super nice, his name was Michel and he was from the Czech Republic, which automatically makes him cool.

The next day we beached until our skin hurt and we ran out of sunscreen....we weren't there as long as the monk seal though.

We hiked for a long time the next day, in Waimea canyon, it wasn't a very well marked trail, so we just hiked till we found waterfalls (we did not give up like the Southern people ahead of us)

Pretty much the best trip ever :)

1 comment:

Stickfigure Darcy said...

I enjoy the seal who face-planted in the sand and then seemed to give up on life. Also, I would totally watch the Becca-Kelly-Molly show.

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