Monday, June 15, 2009

Best storm ever!

So we had just finished moving Zach out of his apartment when it started to rain, just a little, then it started to hail, then it stopped, THEN I looked up and saw this funnel cloud swirling around...but I thought, "no one would believe me, it's probably not actually one", but it was! and it was amazing! and then it got really windy, and started raining really hard, and then tornado sirens went off! I didn't even know they had them in Denver, and I don't know where they came from. I was wondering about 10 minutes before this happened if this was a particularly bad thunderstorm, since the clouds where kind of green, and that's why I was looking for funnel clouds. Zach spotted it too from across the parking lot, he was not nearly as excited though :) I'm so glad my phone takes pictures!

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