Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Life in Denver

Living in Denver doesn't really feel that much different than living in Santa Barbara. It's hotter, but it rains almost everyday. I do miss the beach, it just doesn't feel like summer without it.
I love my apartment. I love that I have space to do art. It makes such a difference, I work on something almost every day. I love that everything in the refrigerator is mine. I love that my vacuum has a million little attachments to play with. I love having a bigger bed, and a room to myself, a closet. I can turn the light on when I get up in the morning.

I'm trying to list everything that I love, so I won't think about all the things I miss. The biggest thing I miss is having girlfriends around. Someone to watch ridiculous TV or movies with. Play random games, like "how much can we fit in Darcy's top" or "how pregnant can sharon look?" or "crazy hair", group readings of Mortified, brownies in a pan, guacamole for dinner....and good girlfriends are hard to find, WAY harder than a boyfriend.

I don't feel lonely though, I guess it's good that I enjoy alone time, if I didn't I would probably freak out.

Now this post is making me sad.

I'm going to Vail this weekend. I think we're mountain biking, which I've never done. We'll see how much I injure myself.

My job is decent, I don't hate it nearly as much as the old one. My co-workers are pretty cool, not crazy, although one smells (A LOT) but that gives everyone else a game to play, it's called "stay away from Bob". I would feel sorry for him, but everyone has talked to him about it (seriously, everyone) and taking a shower and changing your clothes isn't that difficult.

I think I finally found a church I like. My neighbors invited me. And now I've finally met them, and they're not crazy and drunk all the time!

I'm taking art classes at the Art League of Denver, it's in this great old building, I love it in there, it has that wonderful smell of oil paints (the fumes are probably toxic, but whatever) and the wooden floors creak, and I swear there are secret passageways in the basement, and I saw a bat upstairs one night.

And I guess I'll say something about Charlie, so I can put a picture in. He's definitley been more difficult than I expected. I feel bad for him being alone all day. He finally sleeps at night, and only wakes me up sometimes when he wants to play fetch. He's a terrible jumper and falls on his face a lot, not graceful at all.
And he just learned that he has claws, so now he bites and scratches...oh joy.


Melissa said...

sharon! i found your blog. i like your kitty. =) also, it's so true that boy friends are easier to find that girl friends. why is that??

if you want to see, i have a blog:

i think you have to create a xanga account to comment though. you should because comments are fun. =)

Jessica said...

Let's have lunch when I get back! I think it has to be on a Monday, though. :)

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